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    Susan Shelley: Biden can’t leave fast enough. His presidency has been a total failure.
    • January 18, 2025

    The most fraudulent presidency in the history of the nation is about to come to an end.

    Joe Biden leaves office at 9 a.m. Pacific Time on Monday, Jan. 20. During the inaugural ceremonies, federal employees will remove every trace of the Biden administration from the White House. They should check behind the sofas and under the rugs to find everyone who has been making presidential decisions. Whoever they are, they have to leave now.

    Maybe they’ll all write books and blame each other for their catastrophic failures. The TV rights could be worth a fortune. It will be just like “The West Wing” but with more medication.

    On the night of June 27, 2024, leading Democratic politicians and major media figures finally stopped pretending that Joe Biden was still operative. They had no choice. Biden’s feeble confusion during a debate with former President Donald Trump was witnessed on live television by an estimated 73 million people.

    Biden, however, wasn’t ready to give up. Instead he gave interviews and insisted that he would not step down from running for re-election unless God himself came down and ordered it.

    For all we know, that’s what happened. We can’t be sure who wrote the July 21 letter from Biden that was mysteriously posted on social media. The letter declared, “I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term.”

    But focus was not Biden’s strong point. Countless video clips show him losing his train of thought while speaking, wandering on a stage looking for the exit, or reaching for a handshake with the empty air. “Cheap fakes,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called the videos. Until June 27.

    Once Biden stepped down from the presidential race, the Democrats’ charade picked up where it had left off, except this time they pretended that Biden was perfectly able to carry out the duties of the presidency.

    On Dec. 19, the Wall Street Journal published a very different story. “In just the first few months of his term,” a team of journalists reported, “Administration officials noticed that the president became tired if meetings went long and would make mistakes.”

    The Journal said close advisers and senior staff labored mightily to limit access to the president and fill “roles that some administration officials and lawmakers thought Biden should occupy.”

    Still, mistakes were made. That could be the epitaph of the Biden presidency, which very soon will go out as it came in, passing the Trump administration in the hallways.

    The return of Trump is a wild chapter of history that we are living through together. One day, maybe tomorrow afternoon, you can tell your grandchildren how Joe Biden’s reckless spending on political pork caused ruinous inflation, which is a miserable tax increase on people who can least afford it.

    You can tell them how Biden stretched or ignored the law to allow millions of undocumented immigrants to enter and reside in the United States at taxpayer expense, how it strained the social service safety net in city after city, and how hundreds of thousands of convicted criminal immigrants, including more than 13,000 murderers, are in the U.S. but not detained by immigration authorities because there just wasn’t room.

    Then you can tell them that many, many people who had voted Democrat for their entire lives voted this time for Donald Trump.

    If inflation and the border were the two most important issues in deciding the 2024 election, they were only the tip of an iceberg of Biden administration failures.

    In diplomatic and military matters, Biden’s handlers gave us a bungled and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan that left an arsenal of U.S. equipment loose for the taking. They allowed a territorial dispute in Ukraine involving no direct U.S. interest to turn into a multi-year bloodbath financed with U.S. debt. Feckless and weak, with no one in charge, Biden’s team was no deterrent to Hamas terrorists, who executed a plan to rape, burn, and butcher Israeli civilians, triggering a regional war.

    At home, the Biden bunch bragged about their infrastructure spending. In 2021, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provided $42.5 billion to the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment program, which was supposed to provide under-served and rural areas with internet access but as of September had connected nobody.

    Similarly, the Biden administration set a goal of building 500,000 electric vehicle chargers by 2030, allocated $7.5 billion, and so far has built just 214.

    But Joe Biden’s true distinction, the singular achievement for which he’ll be remembered, is his corrupt destruction of the rule of law.

    “Let’s be clear,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said in a statement last week, “The Biden DOJ was never going to prosecute the Biden Crime Family. The House Oversight Committee’s investigation of the Bidens’ influence peddling schemes revealed how Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and benefitted from his family cashing in on the Biden name.”

    If you doubt it, consider that Biden pardoned his son Hunter for any crimes he may have committed going all the way back to 2014.

    Meanwhile, the Biden team deployed lawfare investigations against perceived enemies. They ruined the careers of IRS whistleblowers who called out special treatment for the Bidens and Border Patrol agents who never “whipped” Haitian migrants. They monitored parents at school board meetings. They selectively prosecuted protesters based on their political views. They raided President Trump’s home and charged him for having boxes of documents that he had a legal right to retain under the 1978 Presidential Records Act, while Biden got a pass for having classified documents in his home that he retained unlawfully as senator and vice president.

    In the big finish to his 50-year political career, Joe Biden called Donald Trump “Hitler” and said the former president’s supporters were Nazis and “garbage.”

    What a swan song. Goodbye, Joe. You’ve got to go.

    Write [email protected] and follow her on X @Susan_Shelley

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