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    Letter: Newsom likes spending money more than he likes governing
    • January 24, 2025

    Government officials, and most notably Gavin Newsom, love to start designating funds to disasters before there is even a plan to address what is actually needed.

    Throw many at it and hope people don’t take advantage of our generosity.  When will they ever learn?  They have not learned any lessons of the recent disasters of bilking taxpayers out of billions of dollars!

    COVID money going to scoundrels, homeless money going to agencies with no accountability, social services going to non-citizens, social security going to dead people.

    What are the chances that the Hairdo’s allocation of our money is going to go directly to the victims of the latest tragedy in Southern California?

    Not even slim to none. None to none. We have no leadership in this state.

    Shawn Ferguson, Westminster

    ​ Orange County Register 
