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    San Clemente rejects proposal that would have required permits to serve food in public places
    • February 19, 2025

    An effort to require permits to serve food and drink on beaches and other public places in San Clemente was rejected.

    The ordinance — prepared by City Manager Andy Hall at the request of Councilmember Rick Loeffler — failed to gain support on Tuesday, Feb. 18, with a 3-2 council majority rejecting it. Those opposed to the proposed ordinance said it infringed on freedom of association and religious rights and was generally an example of government overreach.

    In the proposed ordinance — which Loeffler brought up for consideration because of the amount of trash left at North Beach — groups gathering at the beach or in other areas would have needed a city permit if they planned on serving food and beverages.

    At issue, he said, was a growing number of groups, especially church groups and other volunteers, that gather regularly at North Beach and consume food and drinks. Residents in the area were unhappy, he said, and the city and park rangers have been getting more and more requests about litter and general nuisances.

    Loeffler said the ordinance would also ensure that food preparation is regulated and that those consuming it know it is done under city licensing requirements.

    Local activists, however, worried the ordinance would be another tool to target homeless people, while church groups said it infringes on religious freedoms and principles.

    At least a dozen people spoke during the public comment portion of Tuesday’s City Council meeting, with the majority in opposition.

    ​ Orange County Register 

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