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    Design of California’s standard license plate will stay the same
    • February 28, 2025

    Q: It was interesting to read your column about the change in sequence for California’s license-plate numbers once 9ZZZ999 is reached. Will the state consider improving the look of the plates when the new series starts? For example, why use space on the plate for the DMV web address, which serves no purpose that I can think of? Why not use “Golden State” instead? And what about using gold as the background color? Does the state have any plans to improve the appearance of our license plates?

    – Irv Jones, Brea

    A: Sorry, Irv.

    “There currently are no plans to release a new design for California’s standard automobile license plates,” Geovana Herrera, a Department of Motor Vehicles spokesperson, told Honk in an email.

    That standard design, with “California” in red script above the license-plate number in blue, block letters and numbers, and “” in red block letters at the bottom — all with a white background — has been around since 2011. Curiously, unlike other California plate styles, this one doesn’t have a name.

    The website is on the license plate to trumpet the agency’s push to get more and more motorists to do their DMV chores online.

    The series configuration you mentioned, Irv, began in 1980. It is still expected to run out later this year, Herrera said. At that point, a DMV official told Honk in the past, the sequence will be flipped to three numbers, three letters and a number.

    Q: I recently bought a Tesla and purchased my car insurance through that company. It’s been a month and I have received no paperwork, but it is stated in the app that I have insurance through Tesla. Will the police accept the app as evidence of having insurance?

    – Kurt Hubler, Huntington Beach

    A: Yes.

    It is clearly written in the California Vehicle Code that you can show proof via “a mobile electronic device.” That would include on a cellphone and on an iPad, said Duane Graham, an officer and spokesman for the California Highway Patrol out of the Westminster station.

    “It could be in the app as well — you just have to present something to us,” he said. “I would just look at what is on the screen.”

    In fact, the law protects drivers — officers are not allowed to look at other stuff on the phone without permission.

    Officer Graham says it is about 50-50 on what he sees these days for proof of insurance, hard copies versus apps.

    HONKIN’ FACTS: In California, there are 27 commercial airports, 170 hospital heliports and 189 other heliports for fire and police agencies, commuters and private use, according to a 2024 Caltrans report.

    To ask Honk questions, reach him at [email protected]. He only answers those that are published. To see Honk online: To see him on the social media platform X: @OCRegisterHonk

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