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    Californians have 4th-highest housing expenses in US
    • October 14, 2023

    ”Survey says” looks at various rankings and scorecards judging geographic locations while noting these grades are best seen as a mix of artful interpretation and data.

    Buzz: California’s lofty housing costs are topped by just three places in the nation when you ponder the expense per person.

    Source: My trusty spreadsheet reviewed one yardstick of the burden of housing costs – the annual analysis of personal consumption expenditures from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The study looks at per capita spending in 50 states and the District of Columbia.


    Californians paid $11,262 per person for housing-related expenses and utility costs in 2022 – 23% above the typical American’s $9,161.

    If that seems low, note that the typical California household has nearly three residents. Also, remember that many homeowners have no mortgage or a home loan with a low-low interest rate acquired during the heated days of the pandemic.

    Consider the scale of California’s housing cost pain: It was topped by DC at $14,959, Colorado at $11,466 and Massachusetts at $11,315.

    By the way, the lowest US spending on housing was $6,436 in Mississippi.

    Or peek at housing costs this way: The cost of shelter gobbled up 19% of California’s per capita consumer spending (No. 8 share nationally) vs. 17% nationally. Hawaiians spent the most on housing, 20% of all spending. The low was 14% in North Dakota.


    Look at the big picture.

    Californians spent $60,272 per person on all goods and services last year (No. 5 nationally). That’s 15% above US expenditures. High? $85,732 (District of Columbia). Low? $39,678 (Mississippi).

    Then look at high-profile consumer expenses outside of shelter.

    Health: $9,335 spent per Californian (No. 11 nationally) – 12% above the US. High? $12,239 in the District of Columbia. Low? $6,213 in Utah. Health is 15% of Golden State per-capita spending (No. 35 nationally) vs.16% nationally. High? 23% in West Virginia. Low? 13% in Utah.

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    Food: $4,534 spent per Californian (No. 13 nationally) – 8% above the US. High? $7,217 in the District of Columbia. Low? $3,198 in Oklahoma. Food is 8% of Golden State per-capita spending (No. 42 nationally) vs. 8% nationally. High? 10% in Mississippi. Low? 7% in Minnesota.

    Gasoline/energy: $1,442 spent per Californian (No. 37 nationally) – 6% below the US. High? $2,186 in Iowa. Low? $814 in Hawaii. Fuels equal 2% of Golden State per-capita spending (No. 42 nationally) vs. 3% nationally. High? 5% in Iowa. Low? 1% in Hawaii.

    Bottom line

    Think about overall spending for every man, woman and child.

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    California consumers spent $2.35 trillion on goods and services last year (No. 1 nationally) – that’s 13% of the $17.5 trillion in expenditures nationwide.

    But more importantly, Golden State spending was up $206 billion from 2021 (No. 1 gain) –  and a 9.6% jump (12th largest percentage advance among the states). Americans’ total spending rose 9.2% in the year.

    Jonathan Lansner is the business columnist for the Southern California News Group. He can be reached at [email protected]

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    ​ Orange County Register 

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    Orange County restaurants shut down by health inspectors (Oct. 5-12)
    • October 14, 2023

    Restaurants and other food vendors ordered to close and allowed to reopen by Orange County health inspectors from Oct. 5 to Oct. 12.

    AB Liquor Market, 7508 Katella Ave., Stanton

    Closed: Oct. 11
    Reason: Rodent infestation
    Reopened: Oct. 12

    Medmix, 12105 Brookhurst St., Suite F, Garden Grove

    Closed: Oct. 10
    Reason: Cockroach infestation
    Reopened: Oct. 11

    The Home Depot, 27401 La Paz Road, Laguna Niguel

    Closed: Oct. 10
    Reason: Rodent infestation
    Reopened: Oct. 12

    Keno’s Restaurant, 2661 W. La Palma Ave., Anaheim

    Closed: Oct. 10
    Reason: Cockroach infestation
    Reopened: Oct. 12

    Nekter Juice Bar, 474 E. 17th St., Suite 100, Costa Mesa

    Closed: Oct. 6
    Reason: Rodent infestation
    Reopened: Oct. 6

    Baja Fresh, 979 Avenida Pico, Unit A, San Clemente

    Closed: Oct. 5
    Reason: Rodent infestation
    Reopened: Oct. 5

    Updates since last week’s list:

    Kobe Bistro at 9822 Bolsa Ave., Suite B, Westminster, which was ordered closed Oct. 4 because of a cockroach infestation, was allowed to reopen Oct. 10.

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    ​ Orange County Register 

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    The immigration system vs. legal workers
    • October 14, 2023

    Something weirdly revealing happened in July, when Canada launched a small immigration program for holders of the coveted American H-1B visa, an employer-sponsored visa for working professionals, such as engineers, physicians, software developers. These workers are among “the best and the brightest” who come to America.

    The H-1B is hard to get. Out of 700,000 applications for 2024, only 85,000 will be approved. Yet, when Canada offered 10,000 spots for H-1B holders to relocate there — expecting the spots to be claimed within 12 months — it took only 48 hours.

    Why are so many highly skilled foreign workers who are already in the U.S. so eager to move to Canada, especially after beating the odds to get to America in the first place?

    The reason may surprise you: It’s because the U.S. immigration system is designed to push hard-working visa holders out — people who came here legally and are following the rules. The immigration system doesn’t want the best and the brightest to stay in America.

    Consider Rohan, an engineer who decides he can’t achieve his dreams in his home country. But in the U.S., he thinks, hard work and ambition are rewarded, so he decides to try to come to America. He secures a job offer from a U.S. employer, which agrees to apply for an H-1B visa.

    The H-1B process is extremely involved: Rohan’s employer has to pay hefty fees and file a mountain of paperwork just so Rohan can be placed in a lottery, along with hundreds of thousands of other applicants. His chances are slim — remember there are only 85,000 visas available. If he’s selected and his application is approved, he’ll be allowed to come to America for three years and maybe renew for three more years. If he’s not selected, it’s tough luck — it won’t matter how talented Rohan is or how much his U.S. employer wants him, he will just have to try again next year.

    But imagine he does make it. Rohan aspires to build a life here, to excel in his career, to raise a family, to fulfill the American dream. Not so fast, says the U.S. immigration system: the rules are designed to make it difficult for immigrants to do that.

    Rohan is ambitious and constantly seeks new challenges. He may at some point outgrow the company that sponsored him and want to move on. But finding more challenging, better-paying work is often not an option for H-1B holders: The cumbersome, uncertain, and expensive process keeps the pool of H-1B employer-sponsors very small. Even if Rohan were lucky enough to find a new sponsor, he’d have to go through the application process all over again. This makes it hard for ambitious people to advance their career while on H-1B visas.

    Faced with these limitations on his employment options, Rohan thinks of opening a small business to supplement his income and keep growing his career. But to do this without being in violation of his visa, his lawyer tells him, he would have to form a company, assign a board of directors, and then have them hire him, which involves more immigration paperwork. Rohan can’t afford to build this legal infrastructure.

    Trying to build a career and a life with this uncertainty takes a toll. Rohan doesn’t know if he’ll be allowed to stay in the U.S. after his visa expires. If he loses his job, he may be forced to leave America. He would have to find a new sponsor (which is hard) within 60 days — with no guarantee of obtaining the visa again. Rohan struggles to plan anything long-term. He dreams of buying a house, but the uncertainty holds him back: what if he buys a home and then loses his visa? He wants to start a family with his wife who also holds a H-1B, but they’re deeply conflicted about taking such an important step with all the uncertainty — will they have their lives uprooted in six months? Nine months? Two years?

    For Rohan, this nightmarish uncertainty will never end, even though he’s in the U.S. legally. No matter how hard he works in his current job, how much he pays in taxes, how much value he creates, his chance of obtaining a green card is basically zero. This is because Rohan is from India, and the backlog for employment-based green cards for Indians is upward of 100 years due to country caps. If Rohan were Chinese, it would take a couple of decades. If Rohan were British, it would take much less time: at least five years to meet eligibility, and then however long it takes for the immigration agency to process the green card, assuming his employer applies for one. Even in that best case scenario, putting life on hold for five years is an unreasonable ask.

    H-1B holders encounter roadblocks at every turn. It’s hard to be ambitious when the system encourages stagnation. And economic downturns or sudden layoffs can mean the end of Rohan’s life in the U.S. With such perpetual uncertainty, it’s next to impossible for H-1B workers to plan and build a life in America.

    Canada, on the other hand, offered 10,000 H-1B holders open work permits, basically without any of these restrictions. And they can apply for the equivalent of a green card in less than a year. It’s no wonder so many H-1B holders chose Canada over the U.S.

    The rules for H-1B visas reveal the true intention of the U.S. immigration system: to push immigrants out, not to welcome them in. It is designed to make life as difficult as possible for people who come to America to work hard and build a better life.

    When the goal of the so-called immigration system is to discourage immigration and push hardworking people out, this means that it’s not enough to make some tweaks to the law. The whole premise of the system is backwards. This system doesn’t need to be reformed — it needs to be rethought entirely.

    Agustina Vergara Cid is an associate fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute. You can follow her on Twitter @agustinavcid

    ​ Orange County Register 

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    How sky high mortgage rates rates slow commercial real estate
    • October 14, 2023

    Welcome to our glorious SoCal fall!

    As days shorten, leaves crunch underfoot, and temperatures cool – our commercial real estate market faces several headwinds.

    Hamas’ blatant attack on Israel, the ouster of our House speaker, and the 10-year bond yields at 20-year highs headline the obstacles.

    The first two – Israel being attacked and a certain game of pattycake in the House of Representatives each create uncertainty. As I’ve said here many times: In the face of uncertainty, long-term decisions are postponed or scrapped entirely until things level.

    Headlines in my frame of reference target mortgage rates and highs not seen since the financial meltdown of last decade. Such high rates create gridlock in the housing market. As residential transactions ebb, we also feel it in the commercial sector.

    How, you may be wondering? Allow me to expand on a few scenarios.

    Turnover generates commerce

    My mind is drawn to the pre-pandemic spate of deals in our small enclave of houses in East Orange.

    On our street, my wife and I have owned our home the second-longest among neighbors. Kitty-corner to us are original owners since 1984. Their multi-generational setup remains today – only with a new generation.

    But lately, several of our neighbors tapped out for assisted living or passed away, leading to four homes changing hands. Also, one rental converted into an ownership.

    In every instance, a dramatic interior redo occurred followed by a freshening of the outside as well.

    So let’s break this down. First, a transaction happened. In the process, real estate agents were deployed for the buyer and seller. Staging, signage, glossy brochures and touchup repairs preceded the sale. Maybe a lawyer or two got a look at the contract.

    Then escrow officers, title representatives and lenders were engaged. Home inspectors, termite companies and moving vans were hired. Insurance for the new digs was a closing component.

    And let’s not forget the bump in property taxes, which funds our governments. Once the deed records and title transfers, an army of contractors descends on the early 1980’s structure. Paint, flooring, kitchen upgrades, bathroom remodeling, wall removal, and additional square footage is added, all in earnest.

    The old furniture surely can’t be set inside this pristine interior. So a trip to Living Spaces, Daniels, or Mathis Brothers follows.

    Now an elderly couple – with limited consumption – is replaced by a family of four or five. Groceries, gasoline, dry cleaning, sports equipment, school clothes, orthodontics, urgent care, pets and pet supplies and Amazon home deliveries are all fueled by the new residents.

    You see, commercial real estate activity is bolstered by the sale of houses!

    Please take a moment to review the steps above. In every case, office, industrial and retail are enhanced. Residential real estate agents, escrow and title plants, lawyers, physicians, and insurance brokers all use office spaces, for the most part. Moving and storage, contractors and landscape companies ply their trades from industrial buildings.

    Finally, buying stuff. Yes! Retail storefronts or online portals.

    But absent such turnover in houses, these businesses are forced to downsize, close their doors or look elsewhere for new work.

    Rate shock

    The 10-year Treasuries eclipsed 4.8% last week for the first time since 2007!

    It’s great news for savers but lousy for those looking to buy a house, refinance a mortgage, expand a business or purchase commercial real estate.

    Two years ago today, that same yield was 1.61%. Yes, yields today are roughly three times where they were two years ago.

    Now, backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government, passive investors can make a nice risk-free return on their money. Avoided are the gyrations of the stock market or the downside of real estate ownership – such as losing a tenant.

    However, this astronomic rise in rates makes borrowing more expensive. Therefore, affordability in house purchases becomes less so.

    If you’re among the unfortunate few who have maturing loan balances to refinance, brace yourselves. Finally, expanding a business becomes richer.

    Here’s what I mean. Banks price loans based on their cost of funds and the strength of the collateral. As we just discussed, a saver can make 4.8% in Treasuries so banks must raise Certificate of Deposit rates to attract new money into their bank.

    Expanding an enterprise into an uncertain economy could be viewed by some lenders as risky. Therefore, to hedge against default, the rates charged must compensate. And the circle continues.

    For those hoping to secure ownership in a location to house their operation, many will encounter a debt service too expensive compared with a rental. More will find leasing to be more affordable.

    This year, I’ve been quite bullish on our economy and the resilience of the consumer. When others predicted a slowdown, I took the contrarian position. Now, with student debt repayment ramping up after pandemic hibernation, home savings balances declining, the government money spigot ending, high interest rates ramping plus some new global unrest, I’m afraid a recession is inevitable. When, how deep and how long remain questionable.

    Allen C. Buchanan, SIOR, is a principal with Lee & Associates Commercial Real Estate Services in Orange. He can be reached at [email protected] or 714.564.7104.

    ​ Orange County Register 

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    OCVarsity football wrap-up: Stories, scores and photos from Friday’s Week 8 games
    • October 14, 2023

    Here are all of OCVarsity’s stories, scores and photos from the Week 8 high school football games on Friday, Oct. 13.

    We also have links to our coverage of the games Thursday, Oct. 12.



    High school football: All of the scores from Friday’s games, Oct. 13


    Photos: High school football action at SoFi Stadium and other big games Friday, Oct. 13


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    Sonora football wins battle with Fullerton to stay unbeaten in Freeway League

    Tustin football shuts out Crean Lutheran to stay unbeaten


    High school football: Scores from the Week 8 games Thursday, Oct. 12

    Edison football rallies to edge Newport Harbor in thriller that ends with blocked field goal attempt

    Foothill football stuns Villa Park in Crestview League opener with rousing finish

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    Mission Viejo football hosting First Responders Night as part of San Clemente showdown

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    ​ Orange County Register 

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    Sonora football wins battle with Fullerton to stay unbeaten in Freeway League
    • October 14, 2023

    LA HABRA – Sonora’s Anthony Abad had a career night, rushing for 227 yards and two long touchdowns, as the Raiders defeated Fullerton 43-36 on Friday to remain undefeated in the Freeway League.

    While Abad was slicing up Fullerton’s defense with touchdown runs of 60 yards in the second quarter and 62 yards on the third, the Indians’ Deshawn Cobbs was pounding away at Sonora (7-1, 3-0).

    Cobbs ran for 174 yards, and his second-quarter scoring runs of 3, 5 and 2 yards helped give Fullerton (2-6, 0-3) a 28-21 halftime lead.

    “He was a thousand-yard rusher last year a junior,” Sonora coach Kevin Oberlander said of Cobbs. “We did not play well on defense tonight. We did not tackle very well. But like I said, I’m glad that they stuck with it and got that stop at the very end.”

    Abad’s 62-yard run, on the second play of the third quarter, tied the game at 28-28. That didn’t last long as Fullerton’s Fernando Padron, who played as the Wildcat quarterback for nearly half of Fullerton’s snaps, scored on a 19-yard run 3 minutes later.

    Padron ran for 157 yards, and Sonora’s best defense was to keep the ball out of his hands. The Raiders did that by taking the kickoff and grinding out a 14-play, 73-yard drive which ended on Nicholas Fernandez’s 15-yard touchdown run.

    Olin Morales, who had a key block on Abad’s second TD, set up the score with a 24-yard run to the Fullerton 3 on second-and-16.

    The Raiders forced a punt on the first play of the fourth quarter and chewed up five minutes of the clock before Martin found TylerRobertson in the right corner of the end zone with 6:48 left in the fourth quarter. An 11-yard pass to Morales on fourth-and-6 from the Fullerton 25 kept the drive alive.

    Oberlander said the previous three games against Fullerton have been Sonora victories and all decided in the final seconds. This was no exception, as the Indians moved from their 20 to the Sonora 24. Padron had two crucial pickups on the drive, a 22-yard run on fourth-and-1 to the Sonora 49, and an 11-yard run on fourth-and-1 to the Sonora 30.

    But three plays later, Cobbs was separated from the ball after a 6-yard pickup, and Isaiah Porch fell on the fumble at the 18 with 53 seconds left in the game.

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    ​ Orange County Register 

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    Harvard-Westlake star Trent Perry commits to USC: What it means for Trojans’ future
    • October 14, 2023

    USC already has its point guard of the immediate future – the 2023-24 future, that is – raring to go in Isaiah Collier, one of the top recruits in the nation who has built a fast rapport with returning senior Boogie Ellis.

    But Collier, in all likelihood, is destined for the draft after one season with the Trojans. And on Friday night, USC locked its future future backcourt into place.

    Trent Perry, a 6-foot-4 combo guard coming off a run leading a talented Harvard-Westlake squad to a CIF Open Division state championship, announced his commitment to USC on Friday night on social media. It’s another massive recruiting win for Coach Andy Enfield, who brought in Collier and Sierra Canyon’s Bronny James as part of a loaded 2023 class and now strikes big with Perry in 2024.

    “He felt at home with the staff and school,” David Rebibo, Perry’s coach at Harvard-Westlake, wrote in a text.

    Perry’s the ideal modern combo guard for Enfield. He’s mature beyond his years and plays with the innate pace of a conductor, if the conductor could also take off from a few steps inside the arc and flip a legs-splayed layup around the outstretched arms of opposing big men. He’d be a ready-made fit next to Bronny James if James were to stay at USC for a sophomore season – James’ recovery from cardiac arrest leading to a range of possibilities as to his future with the Trojans – and if James moves on, Perry is a foundational piece capable of running the point or playing off the ball.

    “Coach Enfield plays an uptempo style and gives his guards freedom to play,” Rebibo wrote, when asked how he envisioned Perry fitting into Enfield’s system.

    Perry’s shot selection can occasionally waver, firing off a pull-up 3-point attempt here and there when a better look might have come later in the shot clock in games during his junior year, but that’s more than offset by his court vision and versatility on defense. Watch his patience here in commanding a fast break, drawing the eyes of the low-man just long enough to dink teammate Jacob Huggins for a dunk:

    Trent Perry finds Jacob Huggins and Harvard-Westlake is up 27-9 over De La Salle. Mick Cronin watching here at Mater Dei.

    — Luca Evans (@bylucaevans) January 29, 2023

    He’s got plenty of shot-making moxie and the ability to push tempo, too, as evidenced in the first clip of this highlight by Ballislife, an end-of-quarter 3-pointer over double-coverage in a game against Sierra Canyon last year:

    From watching him orchestrate Harvard-Westlake’s offense at one of the highest levels of high school basketball in the country, it’s easy to see Perry eventually stepping into a Drew Peterson-esque role at USC, a versatile guard with size who is as capable of threading a pick-and-roll needle as he is bumping a defender off for a smooth midrange jumper.

    Perry, too, is a born leader, the focal point of excellent chemistry in Harvard-Westlake’s core, in constant communication and encouragement with teammates like now-graduated forward Brady Dunlap.

    “Constantly seeking ways to improve his game, how he approached the game, film study, nutrition, and the weight room,” Rebibo texted. “An incredibly motivated young man who loves the process of getting better.”

    ​ Orange County Register 

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    Fryer: Mater Dei left dazed and defeated by St. John Bosco, but it might get a rematch
    • October 14, 2023

    BELLFLOWER — Last year Mater Dei beat St. John Bosco in the regular season. St. John Bosco beat Mater Dei in the CIF Southern Section Division 1 football championship game.

    Flip the script?

    Mater Dei has to hope so. The Monarchs were shut out by St. John Bosco 28-0 in their Trinity League game Friday at St. John Bosco’s very full, 5,000-capacity Panish Family Stadium.

    What happened in 2022, when either St. John Bosco or Mater Dei wins their Trinity League game and the other team wins the CIF championship game, has happened in other years.

    In 2019, Mater Dei beat St. John Bosco in the regular season. Bosco beat Mater Dei in the CIF-SS Division 1 championship game.

    In 2018, Mater Dei lost to St. John Bosco in the regular season and beat St. John Bosco in the CIF-SS Division 1 final.

    Mater Dei was shut out Friday for the first time since 2011, when the Monarchs lost to Orange Lutheran 28-0.

    Mater Dei quarterback Elijah Brown gains yardage on a keeper play against St. John Bosco in a Trinity League football game in Bellflower on Friday, October 13, 2023. (Sam Gangwer, Contributing Photographer)

    The Monarchs came up with only 182 yards of offense – 121 passing, 61 rushing. Their leading rusher Jordon Davison was injured in the first half and had an ice pack wrapped around his right shin after exiting the game. He did not return, but that is not why Mater Dei had difficulty getting the ground game going.

    Credit St. John Bosco. The Braves’ quickness and size dominated line play when they were on defense and on offense.

    Their offensive line is big and it is excellent: Adrian Tavui, a sophomore who is 6-3 and 301 pounds; Mathays Moe, junior, 6-1 and 376; Matai Jefferson, junior, 6-4, 342; Matthew Perdue, junior, the lightweight of the group at 6-1 and 273; and the wonderfully-named King Large, a senior committed to SMU, 6-4 and 294.

    The Braves rushed for 169 yards on 35 carries. That’s not an overwhelming ground game, but it was superior to what opponents had done to Mater Dei thus far.

    The Monarchs defense had been on quite the roll.

    Mater Dei held JSerra to 107 yards of offense last week in a 42-0 win. And they clogged Servite to minus-19 rushing yards two weeks ago in the Monarchs’ 49-0 win over Servite.

    Mater Dei longtime defensive coordinator Eric Johnson expected what the Monarchs got Friday from the Braves.

    “This is kind of how it is every game,” Johnson said, “but they’re going to try to run the ball on us and we have to stop them from running the ball.”

    After a scoreless first quarter, St. John Bosco’s first touchdown drive was nine plays, all running plays, with Cameron Jones scoring on a 1-yard run for a 7-0 lead.

    St. John Bosco needed to show some formations that Mater Dei might not expect. That might have been one of those on the Braves’ second touchdown.

    On third-and-16 on the Mater Dei 17 with 55 seconds to go in the second quarter, Jones, who had done significant damage from the backfield, lined up at tight end. Braves quarterback Caleb Sanchez found Jones alone in the backfield for the touchdown pass that gave Bosco a 14-0 lead.

    Johnson’s other prediction: “I expect them to go real quick,” meaning plenty of no-huddle action from the Bosco offense. And Bosco presented plenty of that.

    St. John Bosco running back Cameron Jones breaks through for a touchdown in the second quarter against Mater Dei in a Trinity League football game in Bellflower on Friday, October 13, 2023. (Sam Gangwer, Contributing Photographer)

    Johnson hoped that the Monarchs’ pass rush could be disruptive.

    “Their quarterback is good,” Johnson said, “but he’s had time to throw. We’ll have to see how he does against pressure.”

    Sanchez was sacked only once, by junior defensive lineman Semi Taulanga in the first half. He had to hurry some throws while completing 10 of 21 passes for 115 yards. Those are not exactly wild numbers, but he did not throw an interception, and St. John Bosco committed no turnovers.

    That’s how St. John Bosco beat Mater Dei, the No. 1 team in various national rankings going into Friday’s game.

    Mater Dei won’t be No. 1 next week. They won’t be No. 1 in the Trinity League, either. St. John Bosco is 3-0, Mater Dei is 2-1.

    But there could be a chance to be No. 1 in CIF Southern Section Division 1 next month. And given the history, that chance could come again against St. John Bosco.

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    ​ Orange County Register 

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